What’s the difference between gender assigned at birth, gender identity, and gender expression?

Gender assigned at birth refers to the sex that a doctor or midwife declares a baby to be based on the child’s reproductive organs: male or female.

Gender identity is a core feeling or sense of “who I am,” regardless of the biological sex of a person. This may match with the person's sex or it may be different.

A person is…

  • cisgender: when their gender identity is male or female, and it’s the same as the sex they were given at birth

  • transgender: when their gender identity doesn’t match the sex given at birth and they identify as the other gender

  • non-binary: when their gender identity is neither male nor female, or it’s a blend of male and female

  • gender fluid: when they mov between gender identities, i.e. sometimes male and other times female

  • agender: when they don't identify with any gender

Gender expression refers to the way a person expresses themself through clothes, mannerisms, speech, and overall external presentation. A person can enjoy dressing / appearing like the opposite gender & also be comfortable with their gender assigned at birth.

Gender norms are social principles that govern the behavior of girls, boys, women, & men in society and restrict their gender identity into what is considered to be "appropriate."


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