What can I do to safeguard the rights of domestic workers in my home?

What provisions does the ILO Convention 189 (C189) make for domestic workers? 

• Set a minimum wage for domestic workers that is not lower than the established minimum wage for workers generally 

• Inform domestic workers of their terms and conditions of employment 

• Protect domestic workers against all forms of abuse, harassment, and violence  • Secure fair terms of employment, decent working conditions, and if applicable, decent living  conditions for domestic workers 

• Ensure domestic workers are allowed to keep their travel and identity documents in their  possession  

• Provide equal treatment between domestic workers and workers generally in terms of working  hours, overtime compensation, daily and weekly rest where weekly rest is at least 24 consecutive  hours, and paid annual leave 

• Guarantee that domestic workers enjoy the same social security protections and general  conditions as available to other workers  

• Take measures to ensure fees charged by private employment agencies are not deducted from the  remuneration of domestic workers

What can you do to safeguard the rights of domestic workers in your home?

Connect with the Self-Employed Women’s Association or the National Domestic  Workers Movement and support your domestic workers to register with them. They have been  supporting domestic workers for decades and demonstrate the power of collective action.  Different states also have domestic worker registration portals which provide access to protection  schemes. If you’re in Maharashtra, try this one

Build a safety net for domestic workers in your home by registering for a pension scheme for  unorganised workers (Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana). The website includes an  option to ‘Sponsor a Pension’ that allows you make the premium contribution on behalf of a  domestic worker.  

Encourage domestic workers to register on e-Shram to gain access to employment and social  security schemes.

Support your domestic worker to access government insurance schemes like the Pradhan Mantri  Suraksha Bima Yojana which offers ₹2 lakh of accidental death benefit or the Pradhan Mantri  Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana which has ₹2 lakh of term cover for ₹330 a year. Buy them from a public sector general insurance company like LIC or a bank.

Understand the rights of domestic workers by reading the ILO Convention 189 (C189). No national comprehensive legislation for domestic workers exists in India, so read up on the laws in your state by visiting the state labour department website.


On the Ground: Tools to Combat Domestic Violence


Checklist: Basic Rights & Protections for Domestic Workers in Your Household